Qualification selection for International Schemes of Concept Planning of High-Speed Rail Eco-City of Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province, China
Urban Planning Society of China and Zhangjiagang Planning Bureau have disseminated an official notice on October 8th, 2016 for the qualification selection of entering international competition- Concept Planning of High-Speed Rail Eco-City of Zhangjiagang City.
10 Successful domestic and foreign companies will be selected to undertake the task of concept planning for an area of 400ha that will consist of a high-speed rail station and fulfill the requirements of ecological & sustainable urban development.
The rewards for the first 10 prizes will be 1,5 million RMB for the 1st prize, 1 million Yuan for the second, 3rd prize will gain 0,8 million Yuan, 4th to 8th 500000 Yuan down to 200000 RMB Yuan for 9th and 10th prize.
The qualification files should be submitted no later than 21 October 2016 in Beijing. The concept planning will start November 2016 and has to be finished in 70 days.
Architectural and Urban planning firms who have similar project experiences and have done projects in China at least for 3 years are very welcome to apply. Also it is possible to work together with a Chinese firm to attend the pre-selection.
Please contact us for further information. info@ewuc.eu /0615318075