Qualification selection for International Schemes of Project Design for Xicheng Canal Park in Jiangyin City, Jiangsu Province
Urban Planning Society of China and Jiangyin Municipal Planning Bureau have disseminated an official notice on March 30th, 2017 for the qualification selection of entering International Competition Design for Xicheng Canal Park in Jiangyin City. Eligible national and international companies are welcomed to participate.
5 Successful domestic and foreign design companies will be selected to undertake the task of a landscape design for an area of 169,7 ha (including water surface of 37.8 hectares). This area – the canal area should be transformed from a formal transportation purpose canal to an ecological green-blue belt for the city. The design should also combine the existing historical characters and be part of city green structure, which will improve the living environment of the residents in this area.
The rewards for the first 5 prizes will be in total 3,6 million RMB Yuan. 1 million RMB for the 1st prize, 0,8 million Yuan for the second, 3rd – 5th prize will gain 0,6 million Yuan of each. The first 2 prizes will be involved in the final design and the implementation of the project.
The qualification files should be submitted no later than 18 April 2017 in Beijing. The design process will due 70 days after candidates have been selected.
Architectural, urban planning and landscape firms who have similar project experiences and have done projects in China at least for 3 years are very welcome to apply.
For further information of application procedures, please contact us: info@ewuc.eu /0615318075.