China Academy of Urban Planning and Design Research Institute visited Belgium & the Netherlands
A delegation from China Academy of Urban Planning and Design Research Institute (CAUPD), under the lead of vice director Mr. Wang Kai, visited Belgium and the Netherlands from 24 – 30 November 2017.
The Delegation was well received by the Flanders Metropolitan Area Spatial Planning Department in Brussels, where an expert has given a presentation about the development of metropolitan area and region especially about the north boundary of Brussels. Urban regeneration is a hot issue in Brussels. The delegation has also visited the project –Buda, a transformation area of formal industry and station.
Furthermore, the CAUPD delegation was invited by the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency for a 3 days’ visit in the Netherlands. They attended a seminar to talk about urban Deltas and urban regeneration, and discussed the possibilities of further collaboration between PBL and CAUPD on a wide range of topics, since the two organisations have signed a memorandum of cooperation in 2016 already. The possible cooperations are to work in a consortium for a EU-China project, to exchange staff thus to work in counter partners’ organisation for a short period and to participate in a joint-research on the same subject.
In commission of the PBL, the East West Urban Consultancy has guided a tour for the CAUPD delegation in The Hague, to explain the Urban Renewal Project – a low income housing district’s renovation and Sustainable Energy Redevelopment project in details.
What we have done:
- Guide the delegation for visiting project Zuidwest & Duindorp in Den Haag
- Collecting and disseminating the project information
Clients & cooperated partners:
- PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency
- China Urban Planning and Design Research Institute